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Your Impact In Action

Learn about Helping Hands Hawai‘i’s latest news and events.

Helping Hands Hawai‘i 2023 Annual Report

Excited to share our 2023 Annual Report! This year, Helping Hands Hawai‘i expanded outreach by 67%, boosted SNAP applications by 64%, and supported over 38,500 families. Read more about our impact and future goals

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Tell Your Story

Your experiences are the heart and soul of Helping Hands Hawai‘i. Share with us how our shared journey has touched your life, enriched your community, or inspired hope in times of need.

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Volunteer Spotlight: Brie Lacaille

This National Volunteer Month, we shine the spotlight on Brie Lacaille, a Starbucks district manager in Waikiki who has partnered with Helping Hands Hawai‘i’s Community Clearinghouse for almost two years.

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Target Circle

Now through June 30th, vote for us through the Target Circle program to help determine how Target’s donation will be divvied up.

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